

Abdominal ultrasound and ultrasound-guided aspirates are available by appointment on an outpatient basis at our office in Biddeford. To schedule an appointment, call 207-298-2467. Please read our FAQs on having an ultrasound for your pet.

Internal Medicine

We will work closely with your primary care veterinarian to provide advanced diagnostic and treatment recommendations for more challenging illnesses. Consultations can be scheduled at our office in Biddeford by calling 207-298-2467. Please read our FAQs on having an internal medicine consultation for your pet.


Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and removal of foreign material from the stomach and esophagus is available by appointment on an outpatient basis at our office in Biddeford. To schedule an appointment, call 207-298-2467. Please read our FAQs on having an endoscopy for your pet.